One of the awesome aspects of blogging is that it can provide first-hand information. It allows for current OTs to share knowledge and spread new ideas. One of the biggest lessons I have learned in college is that you cannot be the best you can be without others helping you. By sharing ideas and asking for help, you can be better at your job. As for consumers, blogging allows them to get a feel for what OT is and why it is so useful. Many people are unsure about what OT is, and these blogs can give them a better understanding. I chose to write about pediatric OT because that is the field I would like to one day go into as of right now. Blogs like mine would be helpful to concerned parents or guardians of children.
My favorite blog post was when I wrote about was the co-morbidities with hearing loss in children. I am currently taking sign language here at SLU, so I really enjoyed being able to tie our two classes together. If I had thought about it, I would have had hearing loss and Deaf culture be the main topic for my blog. My favorite part about blogging was being able to share my own thoughts on research that is relevant to my future career. Being able to search for research I enjoyed reading about made blogging much more enjoyable. My least favorite part was having to meet deadlines. Obviously, in a class setting deadlines are necessary, but if I were to have my own blog outside of school, deadlines would be stressful, especially if my blog was popular. If I were to continue blogging, I would research more about deafness and how OTs are involved with treatment. Maybe I will have a job in the future where I can use my ASL knowledge, and research from my blog would be useful.
Thanks so much!